DAV SR. SEC. PUBLIC SCHOOL KUMARSAIN, SHIMLA (HP) is an institution aimed at imparting education with clear objective of preparing future global citizens who are highly proficient in the modern technologies, genuinely knowledgeable, deeply humane and patriotic to the core. We maintain such environment in our school campus that increasingly helps both the stakeholders of education----learners as well as teachers to learn and teach with ease, enthusiasm and clear vision. We lend highest importance to the studies of modern sciences and technology without compromising our Indian cultural values. Ours is an institution which lends great importance to the physical activities also. We believe that physical education has an indispensable role in the overall development of the child. Games and sports help augment the academic performance of the students by improving their physical and mental health. Besides it, we do engage our children in fine and performing arts' activities also. There is no doubt about the fact that children with special inclination or talent in these fields do not feel good in the school until they get opportunities to participate in fine arts or performing arts' activities. Our highly dedicated and clear visioned faculty leaves no stone unturned to impart true and productive education to the students. We believe that to work unsparingly for the children means to work for ourselves. It will make this earth even better and safer to live in.